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Suzy P, Forever Me Page 22

  I blush. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. None of this would have happened otherwise!” Jamie says. “You wouldn’t believe how tight it’s been to get organised. This didn’t even get filmed until this morning, the band did it just before they got on their private jet to South America! The PR manager was really keen for them to do it to get some positive publicity, mainly because of those rumours about them fighting and stuff. This story is hitting the papers tomorrow.”

  “They’re not splitting, are they?” I ask. I have to check.

  Jamie shakes his head.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t say anything,” Millie says. “Suzy’s been so stressed!”

  “I was trying to!” Jamie protests again. “You wouldn’t stop and listen! I’m so sorry, Suze, I didn’t know myself until today. My parents weren’t sure if they were going to be able to get it done on time, and they had to be extra careful. If word had got out about them working with The Drifting they could have been fired, and they’ve got loads more work lined up with them, which, incidentally, is worth a bomb. Want to hear some more good news?”

  “There’s more?” Danny says.

  “We’re not moving,” Jamie says, his face widening into an enormous smile. “My parents just told me what’s been going on.”

  “You’re not?” Millie shrieks. “Oh my God. Oh my God!”

  “So what was the deal with all the property details? And the conversation about buying a flat up there?” Danny asks.

  “They were thinking about it,” Jamie says. “Because they’ve been working in London so much, and they’ll probably get tons of new contracts on the back of this Drifting thing. Luckily they decided it wouldn’t be fair on me, taking me away from you guys and making me change schools at the start of GCSEs. They’re buying a flat up there to use instead – their offer was accepted earlier today, but we’re keeping the house in Collinsbrooke.”

  This evening can’t get any better. Jamie’s staying. The party’s a success. Even The Drifting are here.

  “So happy,” Millie says. “So, so happy.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Jamie says. “Now, let’s focus on The Drifting for a bit, hey? Although we’ll totally be watching this again later. Look, Nate’s going to talk again.”

  Up on the screen, there’s another Nate close-up. Millie sighs dreamily. “Is there any way your parents can fix it so we can meet them, Jamie?”

  “I’m working on it,” Jamie grins. “Now, shush. The man’s got something to say.”

  “Hope you enjoyed that,” Nate says. “Before we get cracking with some more songs, I’ve heard you’re fundraising for a school recording studio. See this guitar Liam’s using? It’s coming your way. You can auction it and hopefully raise a ton of money.”

  The rest of what he’s saying is drowned out in the screams from the crowd.

  Mrs Morgan walks over and pats me on the back. “This is wonderful. You’ve all done such an incredible job. I’m so proud of you.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without these guys,” I say. “They’re the best. It was Jamie, really.”

  “But you’ve all worked very hard and pulled together as a team,” Mrs Morgan says. “Well done.”

  “Just glad everything turned out the way it did,” Jamie says, his eyes sparkling as he grins at me.

  Out in the crowd, I can see Jade and Kara. Absolutely raging doesn’t even come close.

  “Shall we go and dance?” Danny shouts, over the drums and guitars.

  “Yeah!” we all agree.

  “Good one, Suzy,” someone says, as we walk across the hall.

  “Yeah, never thought you’d be able to pull it off. Nice one,” says Zach.

  Zach! Even Zach’s impressed with what we’ve done! I almost fall over with the shock, but manage to hold it together enough to stride past, giving him a quick smile.

  “You look fantastic, love your dress,” someone else adds. Everywhere we go, people are saying nice things about me and my friends.

  “Everyone thinks you’re pretty amazing, you know that, right?” Danny whispers in my ear.

  I just grin happily.

  At the edge of the stage, I see Mrs Morgan talking to Mr Groves.

  “Kara, Jade, could you come here for a moment, please?” he says, leading them to the side of the hall.

  Millie and I sidle a bit closer, eager to hear what’s going on.

  “Mrs Morgan tells me that you were in charge of providing the decorations for this party and you didn’t show up this morning,” he says. “She says that none of these decorations were organised by you.”

  Jade and Kara stare at him, their faces sullen.

  “Well? Is that true?”

  Kara gives a half shrug and Jade pulls out the winning smile she’s used countless times before to get herself out of trouble.

  “Sir, I think there’s been a misunderstanding. The company that we used didn’t deliver the stuff we needed and –”

  “But you didn’t let anyone know what was going on and you weren’t answering your phones, is that correct?”

  You can see the cogs whirring in Jade’s brain as she desperately tries to think of a way out of this one.

  “Um, well, we were…”

  “I don’t want to hear any more lies,” Mr Groves says. “You and Kara were very irresponsible, leaving Mrs Morgan completely in the lurch. You had an obligation to her, and to the rest of the committee, and you let everyone down. Now I don’t want to say that you did it on purpose –”

  Jade opens her mouth to protest but Mr Groves holds out a hand to stop her. Jade and Kara have both turned a particularly beautiful shade of purple.

  “Under the circumstances, I have no choice but to ask you to leave the party,” Mr Groves says.

  “But, sir –” protests Kara.

  “That is so unfair!” storms Jade. “It wasn’t our fault.”

  “Even if that’s the case, not letting people know what was happening, and not helping to sort out the problem, certainly was your fault. I’m very disappointed in you both. We’re also still investigating those malicious flyers from a few weeks ago, and discovering who took those pictures, so you might want to think whether there’s anything you’d like to own up to. Now, get your coats. I’ll ring your parents to come and pick you up. You can wait for them outside my office. I’ll be having a further discussion with you both on Monday morning.”

  They’re being kicked out? Seriously? And getting into a whole heap of trouble with it? Just when I thought this night couldn’t get any better!

  Jade shoulder-barges past, muttering insults, Kara following behind.

  As soon as they’ve gone we burst out laughing.

  “Can’t say they didn’t deserve that,” Jamie says. “But don’t gloat for too long, Nate’s up again.”

  “To finish off, we’re doing ‘All I Can Think of Is You’,” Nate says on the big screen. “Sounds like you’ve got a great night lined up, so enjoy the rest of it. Have fun, everyone. Maybe we’ll come and pay a visit to that recording studio one day. We could come and open it for you, if you like.”

  More screams echo around the gym.

  As the familiar notes of ‘All I Can Think of Is You’ ring out around me, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so happy.

  “They’re playing our song,” Danny says, grinning.

  And he’s right. It’s the one Danny dedicated to me at Amber’s wedding just before we got back together. I have such happy memories associated with this music. I wrap my arms around Danny and Millie. Jamie joins in, and then we’re dancing together in a cluster, arms round each other, singing crazily at the tops of our voices.

  I’m at a brilliant party, wearing a great outfit, and even my hair’s behaving itself. Jamie’s staying. Nobody wants to kill me. I have the best friends in the entire world.

  Everything worked out, thanks to my amazing mates.

  I still can’t believe it, and I’m not even quite sure how it happened, but it did

  I throw back my head to sing along with Nate, not caring that I’m out of tune. I’m too happy to care. We’re all laughing and giggling uncontrollably, bumping our hips into each other, as we dance around in our group of four.

  There’s no mistaking it.

  From being what I thought would be one of the worst days of my life, this evening has turned out to be one of the best.

  Yep. Right now, life is pretty darn great for me, Suzy P.

  And it’s definitely time to party.


  First, a special mention for Chloe Yandell, who bid in a charity auction to be included in these acknowledgements. Here’s to you and your lovely girls, Mia, Erin and Isla. I’m going to mention Eddison too, because I don’t want him to feel left out. (One other thing – there’s a posh lemonade in the fridge for you should you pop by.)

  Thank you to the wonderful teams at Templar and Hot Key Books, with a special mention to Tilda and Debbie, as well as the others in editorial, publicity, marketing, design, and everyone in all the other departments who worked to make the book happen.

  Thank you to Ade, who is always the most amazing support, I really truly couldn’t do this without you. You rock. Oliver needs a mention too, as does the so-far-nameless-kicky one who’ll be making an appearance into the world at around the same time as this book does.

  Thank you to the people who helped make Suzy possible right from the start, because none of this would have happened without you. Lindsey Fraser, Helen Boyle, Emma Goldhawk and Sara Starbuck, I’m so grateful for everything you did. Group hug!

  Thank you to my family and friends for all the support and encouragement you give me. And the Bath Authors. I couldn’t forget you marvellous souls.

  Thank you to Anna Wilson. She knows why.

  A huge thanks to all the bloggers and reviewers who’ve got behind Suzy and have been so supportive.

  And finally, I also can’t not say thanks to YOU – for picking up this book. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Do pop by my website, or Facebook page, or Twitter feed and say hello – I’d love to hear from you!

  About the Author

  Karen Saunders often gets asked where the inspiration for her character Suzy Puttock comes from. The truth is, she’s a walking, talking disaster zone, just like Suzy. She’s had tons of ridiculous injuries like a broken nose during a tickling fight and concussion getting into a car. As for her most embarrassing moments, well, she’s got loads…

  Karen graduated with a BA in English Literature from Warwick University and did lots of different jobs, like selling Christmas hampers, answering telephones and working in PR, before completing an MA in Writing for Young People at Bath Spa University. She’s been making up stories ever since, having fun imagining chaotic casts of teenagers, pop stars and cringesome families.

  By the same author:

  Me, Suzy P.

  Suzy P. and the Trouble With Three


  First published in the UK in 2015 by Templar Publishing, part of the Bonnier Publishing Group,

  Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT

  Copyright © 2015 by Karen Saunders

  Cover illustration by AT Rock

  All rights reserved.

  The moral rights of the author have been asserted. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  ISBN: 978–1–78370–163–6

  1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

  Printed and bound by Clays Ltd, St Ives Plc


  1) I have a genuine fear of toe socks. They make me feel sick.

  2) One of my favourite places in the world is Brownsea Island.

  3) My favourite colour of nail varnish is blue.

  4) I don’t have any pets but would very much like a guinea pig or two.

  5) Although Suzy has two sisters, I don’t have any of my own. I’ve got one younger brother.

  You can find me online at:


  Suzy tweets too: @suzyputtock

  Do come and say hello!


  Meet me, Suzy Puttock (yes, Puttock with a P), fourteen years old and a total disaster magnet.

  My life’s full of ups and downs. My loved-up big sister Amber’s getting married and wants lime green bridesmaids’ dresses. I’m not happy about that.

  But there’s this hot new guy, Zach, just started at my school. I am happy about that. Only I’ve had a boyfriend since forever – Danny.

  So now I’m all kinds of confused…

  ‘A hugely entertaining read.’ Cathy Hopkins, author of Million Dollar Mates

  ‘A lively, heart-warming story, sure to put a smile on your face.’ Luisa Plaja, author of Diary of a Mall Girl


  Suzy’s off camping with her family and best mate, Millie… yep, you heard right, CAMPING!

  As if being stuck in a caravan in rainy Wales for two weeks weren’t bad enough, to make matters worse, Mum’s best friend’s daughter, super-glam (and super-snooty) Isabella is coming too. When Millie starts spending all her time with Isabella, Suzy is devastated.

  Can her friendship with Millie survive when three is most definitely a crowd?

  ‘Immensely likable and absolutely hilarious! I look forward to reading more by this fab author.’ Bookster Reviews

  ‘A must-read.’ Girl Talk